Magazines (Non-US) " M "

This section lists various magazines issued in countries outside the U.S. that contain articles or photographs relating to the Metropolitan.

Expanded items are marked with " * "
Click on "Thumbnail" for "Enlarged"view;
Click on "Publication No." for "Expanded"view.

Publication Name Colour Closed Open/
Date Description
Mecanique Populaire (France) * 6.5 x 9.25 128 pp Oct. 1956 American Cars '56
Mecanique Populaire (France) * 6.5 x 9.25 128 pp Oct. 1957 Economy Cars
Model Collector (UK) * 8.25 x 11.75 100 pp Dec. 2007 Metropolitan Models
Courtesy of Steve Hill
Modern Motor(Australia) * 8 x 11 82 pp July 1954 Metropolitan Announcement
Modern Motor(Australia) * 7.5 x 11/td> 90 pp Sept. 57 Metropolitan Report & Road Test
Motor(UK) * Jan. 50 N.X.I. report
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Dec. 50 Year in review - N.X.I. report
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Oct. 52 Austin-Nash Update
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Mar. 54 Advance news
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Mar. 54 Met Full details
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Sept. 54 Road Test
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 Jan. 56 British Car sales in USA
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 May 56 Road Test & Shipping Article
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 6 pp May 56 Road Test - Reprint
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 1 Sheet Apr. 57 Mets for Britons (Reprint)
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 6 pp Apr. 57 Road Test- Reprint
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 October 57 Motor Show Issue
Motor (UK) * Feb 1958 Small Cars in US - Cutting
Courtesy of Rich McGarty
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 August 1960 Series IV Met. improvements
Motor(UK) * 8 x 11.5 October 1960 Motor Show issue
Motor Classic Magazine(UK) * 5.75 x 8.25 84 pp May/June 93 Article
Motor Klassik(Germany) * 9 x 11.75 148 pp Feb. 2004 English cars
Motor Manual (Australia) * 7.25 x 9.5 68 pp April 1954 Metropolitan introduction
Motor Manual (Australia) * 7.25 x 9.5 68 pp July 1956 Metropolitan 1500 announcement
Motor Manual (Australia) * 7.25 x 9.5 68 pp June 195 Austin Metropolitan 1500 announcement
Motor-Rundschau (Germany) * 8.5 x 12 36 pp Dec. 1954 Nash Metropolitan announcement
Motor Trader(UK) * 8.25 x 10.75 8 pp Aug. 58 Service Data supplement
Motor Trader(UK) * Jan. 78 Met pictured
Motor World Glasgow(UK) * 1958 Small Cars in US - Cutting
Courtesy of Rich McGarty

A     B - L     M     N - Z
